Sunday 24 January 2010

Throughout the history of our country there are plenty of brave people that by their actions such as Majid Tavakolie, have managed to keep the green movement alive.

The name Green Movement is only 6 month old, but it really didn’t have a name before until now.

Despite lack of believe in our people which some may have, the reality is different. I say the people not just the men but girls and women have proved that they are brave enough to put their lives in their hands and stand against the tyrannies and oppression and fight for what they believe.

Regretfully some of us cannot be as brave enough like Majid Tavakolie, however we must keep his names and others alive, we must tell the stories to our children and children’s children and make sure the movement always is alive in the shape that suits the time.

Ferdowsi the brilliant poet kept the land of Kurosh/Syrus and Dariush alive by his poems. By opposition and resistance the movement have been kept going. For whatever reason there were and are plenty who tried to stop this movement either foreigners or so called Iranians and mostly they won but temporarily. Therefore there is no doubt that this inhuman and callous lot will be gone very soon.

What is so very important is how this change is going to take place. While searching the internet I came across a website that calls for arm struggle. To change the direction of the movement to a violent one is not right. This is utterly wrong, it should not be allowed.

I don’t believe you can win this struggle with violence. We have to be controlled &disciplined. I don’t support people being killed. If you give them (Sepah & basij) the excuse, they will really kill people by hundreds. We cannot do that to our people.

Learn from one of the first leaders of our movement, the noble Amirkabir, who for the sake of people gave his arm so that the callous Ghajar could cut his vein, or Mohammad Mossadegh, the Nelson Mandela & Gandhi of this world, we need to continue our way, the “Green way”. Not the bloody way.

Encourage people to strike, encourage stopping the flow of oil but do not encourage an arm struggle, we don’t want a civil war.

Encourage strike by otobos Vahed, taxies, Metro & Otobos bayn e shahry. Let’s learn from the revolution of 1978, let’s stop the country from moving.

Let’s make the victory Green not Red.